Be the change in Your World

Be the change in Your World
I am an AIESECer

Kamis, 30 Oktober 2014

Aiesec Journey: From Malang, Indonesia to Hanoi Vietnam

This one is also one of my EPs, Check out the super awesome experience of my dear friend andi who just finish his Global Youth Ambassador Program in Hanoi, Vietnam last Summer!!! Enjoy :)

From : Indonesia with love
To : me & WE Project

Almost everything is done, Now I’m waiting my next flight to Indonesia. But, I don’t know what should I do. I have to waiting more than 12 hours. I just chill from one place to another place that I’m feeling comfort. It’s so hard without someone else beside you when you in another country, That I feel right now. I choose one chair in the middle and stand by with earphone. Looking for sadness songs. Ohhhhhhhhh So .. !

That the feeling that I feel in the beggining in Hanoi. Almost alone and sad. I don’t know why, maybe because you far from home and you can do anything, because you very shy. There is no friend listen for you. Totally alone. When I looking for everyone in my project, they so enjoy, because they have close friend and almost they are together everyday and there is no space for me. I’m fall down because of my mind, I cry because of I think like that and I feel alone because of I don’t want to speak to much with them.

Day by day I just doing the same things. Sometimes I’m bored, but there no place to said and shared something. Everyplace almost closed. First week is the time that I wanna back home, because I’m tired to stand alone. I’m so childish in that time. because I just want everyone understand to me, but I’m not. I’m to busy with my self and all the pain that I think about everyone. I hate this moment. Just one things that I want in that time “Let me go home! Now!”.

But, I think again. If I’m back home, not only project and my LC dispointed because of me, but also my family. They will be sad than everyone. Because in that time they only know, they little son going abroad and always said happy to them everyday. That’s why in that time I will doing project, because I don’t want my family sad because of me. “Okay, this intership for Mama, for make mama smile and proud of her little son”.

I still think about my self in the second week, but now I try to speak with them, because sometimes I don’t understand about their point so well. From that I already speech to much with them, even about not important question and topic. Day by day I tried to speak up and have small conversation with them, Ya it’s not that nice, but it’s okay than nothing. I was luck, because I have good host brother, they always cooking and prepare everything for me. Caring of me like I’m a little baby in their house. Always asking to OC’s when I late back home. It’s so nice.

The third weeks, everything changed so fast. I told so much with interns, even I just silent in meeting. Because I just let them to make a content and I have commitment to do session more better, to make the content more interesting. So dificult ? Of course, I stand alone to fasting, sometimes so tired because I have to do session and fasting, but it’s the real challenges for me. I promises to my slef, I will do with my best for my team, because they are so tired prepare everything.

Fourth weeks coming so fast. I’m feeling sad again, because in that time I love my intership so much. I speak a lot with OC’s and Interns. I give a lot of impact for attendees. In that time I saw my attandees more better than first week, for me it’s more than alot of money, this feeling can’t to paid with money or gold. I’m really happy, I want to always continue to give them impact and more better than before, but time is limit, I just have one camp again.

Everything has been changed a lot during fourth to fivth weeks. Interns decide to go to sapa together. It was amazing, we shared everything, feeling, happiness and also sadness. I will never forget this moment. I love so much. In that time I choose not join with us, because I don’t have money for paid. I told to my family they let me go with them. That’s why, I go with all the things that I have. I really wanna go there, not only about sapa, but also about the people who go there.

After sapa, we flies to last camp. It was amazing, but I’m so sad. Because everything almost done in that time. We just have one week closer before we are coming to our own home. After that I decide to go to Danang and Hoi an with two interns. We go there without planning before. It was amazing and memorable. Thank you for take care and always giving happiness for me during our trip. I love that so much.

After Danang and Hoi An, I feel almost home, because just several days left. We doing closing day. It was sad day ever that I have. I hate this day so much. But then again, time is limit. Now, everything done. Like what I want in the beggining that is back home, I can do it right now. But, the feeling was changes, I with the others interns cried so hard because we don’t want the time over right now.

Afte all the pain and moment that I have in my intership journey. I wanna said thank you for draw any colours in my life guys, for 6 weeks amazing in my summer holiday. I love you so much. I will never forget anything that we already made. I’m so sorry for anything that I made, the bad case and everything. Thank you for understanding me so much. I love you me & WE.

Intership journey make me realize any case in my life. Even just 6 weeks, but it was amazing. I realize that I’m so bad to take desicion and childish to face the problem. Now, I’m grow up to understand people, to make a friend easyly and to working with people from another country with different perspective and point of view. It was really amazing, changes any bad case in my own life. For those people who want to feel out from your comfort zone, this your time to challenges your self and born again to be the new of yours. Damn! I love internship so much !!!

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